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Schaut mal was ich auf der Lynn Homepage entdeckt habe - macht bestimmt auch laune
Hier der Bericht zu dem KiteCat:
The production version of the KiteCat had it’s final test before shipping to Europe last Thursday. Lake Hood, perfect easterly, didn’t want to stop but the sun went down. After 17 years and 150+ prototypes, thinking and doing little else, if a better kitesailing boat than this can be built then I don’t know what it can be. 4.1m long x 2m wide, 40kgms (but hoping for 30kgm eventually), and with new “Italian”* seat. The new seat provides so much support that it’s definitely no handicap not having it rotate to always face the kite. The hulls have more flotation than prototypes- about 110kgms each, which has cost minimal extra weight but decreases drag, makes launching easier and allows even more extreme wave bashing. Hull form is displacement/planing- low drag and excellent performance in displacement mode, undetectable transition, and top speed (planing) should be 50km/hr. (Saw 53km/hr on one of the p/types). Rudders are stainless steel, 200mm draft, non retractable- you can rest on them, run onto sand, rocks even if you’re not too stupid about it. The two front/ two back, all steering, system is the best possible. For launching, the flier (with kite up) steps into the gap in front of the seat and lifts the boat by it’s side frames. By design, it is perfectly balanced and comfortable for carrying into and out of the water this way- no outside help is necessary or helpful. It can handle surprisingly wild surf- getting out, definitely 1.25m+ (front measure), coming in?- just don’t slow down! Upwind is as good as I have ever managed on any kite boat ever, even in ‘technical’ (ie light) winds. Transport: - Roof rack carrying without disassembly. Don’t even think of doing it any other way- but assembly is < 30 minutes from parts when you’re on to it. Cost?! For now, ex NZ, $NZ3000 (US$1900 today) for anybody and everybody! This is the first time I’ve ever been able to quote a global price for anything! The reason being that kite sailing is not (yet?) a business, it’s a passion. Since the days of our founding father, George Pocock, who in 1827, wrote a definitive work on upwind kite sailing, there have been many false starts, including some from here. Eventually kitesailing is going to establish itself as a legitimate and significant branch of sailing in general. Maybe this boat can be the spark- but if it is to be, those very few people in the world who will be the early adopters deserve and will get direct access to it. If/when kitesailing establishes, prices can rise and higher volume manufacture will provide a margin for wholesalers and retailers. Until then we will manufacture to order in NZ and absorb the, hopefully minor, losses that maintaining a low price on low volume will entail. Freight costs: By sea, 6 weeks to most places in the world, about NZ$400. Airfreight $1200+/-. Any customs and taxes at your end extra.
Hallo zusammen das gibt es schon seit zirka 10 Jahren das Problem war nur das Gleichgewicht und den Seitendruck einigermaßen unter Kontrolle zu bekommen . Schwimmkörper Bauanleitung ( Bords) gibt es im Stuntfliegers Buch. Muß Mercedes schon Werbung bei Baggyfahrer machen
aber da es doch gerade hier mode ist grosse banner an sein text zu hängen, habe ich das nützliche mit dem praktischen verbunden.
abgesehen davon, kann es ja nicht schaden. mercedes hat es ja sogar nötig werbung im fernsehen zu machen, obwohl auch da der grösste teil nicht die nötigen flocken hat.
Euer rap2 - Sven
P.s.Ich weiss ja auch, wenn ich mit der ludenschleuder reize seinen windelbomber einzutauschen!!